Thursday, April 2, 2009

Our visit to CERN, The European Organization for Nuclear Research

On Monday, March 30th, we were invited by Giovanna to go on a private tour of CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, where her husband works as a nuclear engineer. Seven of the elders were also invited.
We were first given a lecture by this man in the picture. He explained the reason CERN was formed. He also told us that Cern is the world's largest center for research in particle physics. He told us about their interlinked accelerators that provide many kinds of particles for different experiements. The largest accelerator, the LHE, or Large Hadron Collider, is the world's biggest and most powerful particle accelerator and the largest machine in the world. It is located 100 meters below ground under the ville of Gex.

After the lecture at the visitor's center, we went to Prevessin where one of Giovanna's friends is a physicist who works on experiments with anti-matter. They have experiments on the interternational space station. Much of what she talked about was way over our heads.
Here Giovanna's friend is showing us a mock-up of one of the experiments to determine the elements by filtering bands of light through special materials.
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