Monday, September 15, 2008

Bear Lake Weekend

On September 12th, Frank and I joined some of my brothers and sisters at Bear Lake, Utah at Steve and Sheryl's lake home. Joel and Cathy, Pam and Dave, Deb and Bill, Steve and Sheryl and Frank and I made up the group. We were assigned meals to plan and prepare. As a result, the food was terrific. We all wanted to trade recipes. Sheryl fixed grilled teriyaki chicken on Friday night and special pancakes on Saturday morning. She also made her fantastic peach pie. Bill and Cathy combined to make a delicious salsa. Sheryl made a dip that was equally wonderful. We ate salsa and chips instead of the planned lunch. On Saturday evening Cathy and I fixed grilled hamburgers, potato salad, fruit and her recipe for tomato basil salad. We toasted marshmallows around the fire pit that night. Sunday morning we had Pam's granola, that was the best ever, before we headed to Sacrament Meeting. Sunday lunch was taco salad with Pam's great chili. After all those delicious meals, we did not gain any weight because they were so nutritous.
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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Saying good-by to grandchildren

My husband, Frank and I are preparing to embark on another mission for the LDS Church. I have had the chance to visit with my grandchildren, Makaylee and Dallen Jensen, who live in North Bend, Washington in July. This may be the last visit for 18 to 23 months depending on where we are called and for how long.