Saturday, April 11, 2009

April 11, 2009 It was Saturday market day at the Ferney-Voltaire Marché. We met Elder and Sister Doyle in front of the statue of Voltaire, which sits in the center of town. We shopped and bought asparagus for our Easter dinner at the Hinmans. We also bought Clementines from Israel, a pineapple from Turkey and some expensive sheep cheese (frommage de brebi) from France. We walked to the Mekong Market and found water chestnuts.

There are vendors of every sort at the market. Sister Doyle bought a purse and two skirts. I bought a skirt but will take it back because one of the seams is not sewn. I also bought a pretty table cloth for our round table in the apartment.

I have a much shorter hair-do since last Monday when Lidia cut it for me. Her idea of "not too short" and my idea of the same were very different. Thank goodness hair grows out.

The Doyles showed us where their apartment is on the Grand Rue de Geneve just a block or so from the middle of Ferney. We walked them to their place and then headed back to the marche and home.

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