Sunday, February 21, 2010

February 19th- Burrito Dinner at the Center

On Friday night, February 19th, the young adults had a burrito dinner. In the first photo, Elder Badger is writing down the name of Vaitiare, a young adult from Tahiti, who is studying in St. Etienne.
In the next photo, the table is set for 28. We had a few more come late but there was still plenty of food for them. The group enjoyed the burritos and the French apple pie and ice cream for dessert.

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Pictionary after the burrito dinner

After the young adults had eaten their fill of burritos and apple pie, those who could stay came upstairs to the lounge and played Pictionary on the large white board. This is the picture taken after they had played and laughed together.
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February 14, 2010, The baptism of Happiness and Telma

On Sunday, February 14th, Happiness and Telma were baptized at the Ecully Stake Center. They are two lovely English speaking African women. After the baptism, the African members of the Ecully Ward put on a lovely dinner for all those who attended. Sister Rossi and Sister Barlow are the missionaries who taught the two women.
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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Break the Fast" dinner at the Center

Each Fast Sunday, we have a "Break the Fast" dinner at the Center. The rule is that you bring something to add to the meal or pay 1.5 Euros. This month we had a wonderful selection of food to choose from. I made spaghetti, green salad and chocolate pudding cake. The young adults brought quiche, macaroni salad, jello salad (a gift from Elder Nelson's girl friend), Cantonese rice, cake and cookies. Joa May Brender is the lovely young adult in the first photo. Jean-Louis and Benoit are clowning around in the second one. Celine Mebodo is in the third photo. She brought a quiche that was the best I have ever tasted. The final photo is Jessica Rodriguez's friend, Lorena, from Mexico.

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Welcome home dinner for David Georges

Sunday, February 7th, we were invited to Soeur Georges' home for a welcome home dinner for her son, David. He had just returned from his mission to New York State. Once again, Soeur Georges prepared a fantastic meal. This time it was a pork roast cooked with apples and mushrooms. Her salad was made with large shrimp, corn and green beans served on lettuce. She is a true French cuisiniere!! She had a special cake for David as can be seen in the second photo. Starting from the left and going around the table, we have David, his friend Jeremy from St. Etienne, Sister Badger, Brother Georges, Sister Georges, Sister Maisonette, Jean-Louis and Joseph, a new convert.
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A visit from the Mauclairs

On Thursday, February 4th, Charles and Mattie Mauclair came to Lyon to visit us. We met at the Center and then went to lunch. We served with the Mauclairs in Cameroon. They were the senior couple in Douala and we were the senior couple in Yaounde. We had a good time reminiscing about our experiences in Africa. Charles is the branch president in a little branch near Avignon.
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February 1st Family Home Evening

Elder Nelson taught the lesson for Family Home Evening on February 1st. He brought an old shirt and tore it to pieces and told the story of Moroni and the standard of liberty. He had each of the young adults write something meaningful to them on their piece of cloth.
In the second photo, Soeur Andelin and Kamilla Usmanova are deciding what to write. In the third photo, Jeremy Mocellin and Jean-Louis Monneyang are busy writing on their piece of cloth. Elder Nelson is going to piece them all together into a flag for the Center.
The final photo is of the group that attended that evening. After the lesson, we had a crêpe party.

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Crêpe Party at Family Home Evening

On February 1st, we celebrated Chandeleur by having a crêpe party at Family Home Evening. Elder LePrêtre and Elder Liechty mixed up the batter and then the girls took over the cooking. In the second picture, Amandine, Patience and Tatiana are busy at work while Sister Jordan and Sister Andelin watch the progress. In the third photo, Patience Omorodion is checking to see if the crêpes are ready. In the final photo, Jean-Louis is enjoying his crêpe.
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