Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 13, 2010 Lyon Stake "Green Weekend"

On Saturday, March 13, the Lyon Stake had a "Green Ball." The evening started out with everyone dressed in green and seated in a circle. The group game was lots of fun. As a description was called out, the people who fit the description, ran to the center of the floor to retrieve a canister. After much bumping and sliding, the group adjourned to the foyer for a "green buffet." Each person was to bring a green dish. There were green quiches, pizza with green on it, lots of salad and many green desserts. The dance started later in the evening.

In the top photo, we have Harold, Estelle, Ataa, Jessica, Leyris and Lorena. The second photo is a picture of Elder Andersen from Norway and our dear friend, David Causse, from Geneva. Elder Badger took the picture of the green drinks in the third photo. The final photo is of Lorien, Mathilde and a lovely girl from St. Etienne whose name I did not catch. Elder Badger and I stayed until the music got under way and then we excused ourselves so the group could "party on."
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