Thursday, May 21, 2009

Rive Droit Ward Ascension Day Picnic

On May 21, 2009, Ascension Day in Switzerland and France, the Rive Droit Ward held a barbecue and picnic at a wooded picnic place in Versoix.
Elder and Soeur Jones brought Fleur Obama and we brought Lam Ouattara. Fleur and Lam are new members of the church.
There was plenty to eat since everyone shared.

Brother Muller, a member of the bishopric, is blind. He is amazing! He is the one in the cap.
At this table is the Gaag Family and Brother and Sister Chiesa.
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ssbailey said...

As I looked at the pictures of the Ward picnic, I though of the DRCongo and the members there. Their Ward picnic would have to be on the church grounds, behind the fence or in the church building. Enjoy the beautiful and peaceful area.


The Bob's Blog said...

Looks like you are having a great experience. I will send you an email with updated information.
God Bless,
C. Robert and Karen Sanders