Saturday, March 21, 2009

March 20, 2009
This was the Rive Droit Ward's Relief Society Birthday celebration. It was an evening to remember. There was a program that included information about the formation of the Relief Society. Sister Meuller told about Mary Fielding Smith and her trials crossing the plains to the Salt Lake valley.

We had a wonderful dinner that was prepared by Manuela, a member of the R.S. Presidency. It was a thai dish made with curry. There was salad and birthday cake for dessert.

At each table there were balloons and a bomb. When
the bomb was lit, it exploded with small trinkets, noise makers, etc. We were each given a form to fill out which asked for funny responses about wishes, dreams, etc. I was able to read it in French but had trouble responding to the questions in French. Mine turned into Franglais. I was invited to sit at the English speaking table, which I appreciated. We played the game, two truths and a lie. It was so fun to get to know the sisters better through this game.

Frank helped serve with the other brothers. He also washed all the pots and pans and worked like a trojan to put up all the chairs and heavy tables. He was my hero. We got home late, but it was an enjoyable evening. I feel very much at home in this ward.

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